SongPoster connects your SAM to popular social networks, posting the tracks your station plays.
Thanks for your interest in this service and the support over the last 15 years since starting this project.
After adding more and more features to Facebook over the first years, we had to drop that platform due to policy changes.
Now we're glad to announce that Facebook support will return and with Google+ we'll even add another new platform for your stations.
We plan to release a new application to the public before the end of this year.
This webinterface will be shut down closely thereafter, but we'll keep the posting/PAL API around for some more.
If you'd like to be notified when the new site is donw, sign up here and we'll send you an email when we're ready.
In order to keep yourself up-to-date, please check out our Twitter accounts where we post updates on the relaunch progress.
Brilliant in simplicity — mere 140 characters that mean the world.
The service supports static text “glued” to the front and back of the default "Artist - Title" message.
We're really sorry, but facebook will not be available here anymore.
At first this was only a technical problem and with enough time it would've probably been possible to return,
however facebook changed their rules for developers dramatically over the last few years.
In fact all automated posting is now forbidden for anyone but large platform partners (which we're not)
This service is provided for free on an “as is” basis as described above.
If you like this service though, please consider donating a small amount via PayPal.
The sourcecode is available for free under the “do what the fuck you want to public license v2”
It can be downloaded at the public GitHub repository, though no assistance or support of any kind is given.
The copyright for all content within this website including the facebook and twitter application is held by Benedikt Bauer - Oktavianstraße 19 - 50968 Köln - Germany.
Copyright for the SAM Logo in the Twitter and Facebook Directories is held by SpacialAudio Solutions LLC and used with kind permission.
The developer of this application is not affiliated with Spacial Audio Solutions LLC and the applications are neither developed by nor officially supported by them.